Sunday, June 14, 2015

Garden Robot Update 4

This happened today:

Still not sure how it works, but it's being hosted by my phone, which is cool.  I somehow ran across it randomly when wondering why none of the NanoHTTPD examples I found worked (doubtlessly because of my utter lack of Java knowledge...ugh).  But it works.

Next step is reading sensors from the NXT, where I am currently stuck.  I have delved deep into the NXT SDK where they have documentation on some really cool direct command protocols, which do not require a user-developed program running on the brick (excellent for direct remote control if the program is doing something wrong).  Unfortunately, while I am having no issue using the direct commands developed by the SmartLab NXTBotGuard project, I seem to be getting some bogus data when I call the getInputValues.  It changes whenever I reboot the program but not in the middle of is weird.  I am sure it is a dumb Java issue.  For reference purposes, here's my buggy code:

public String getInputValues () throws IOException
    byte [] msg = new byte [5];            msg[0]=(byte)0x04;            msg[1]=(byte)0x02;            msg[2]=(byte)0x00;            msg[3]=(byte)0x07;            msg[4]=(byte)0x00;    sendMessage(msg);    Log.w("NxtBrick", String.valueOf(msg));
    if(in !=null)

        String x= String.valueOf(in);        Log.w("NxtBrick", x);
       /*        String x = null;        int bytesRead;        byte[] contents = new byte[100];        while ((bytesRead = != -1)        {            x = new String(contents, 0, bytesRead);            System.out.print(x);            Log.v("NxtBrick", x);        }        */
        return x;    }
    else    {
        return "Null";    }


P.S.  Don't use it, it doesn't work.