Friday, June 14, 2013

XenonFire - A Tribute

The world is run by this simple concept.  Inspiration always precedes innovation.  Would the modern automobile as we know it exist if Henry Ford had to re-invent the wheel?  What about the computer or modern medical science?  Isaac Newton put it best when he famously uttered:  “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
When I first joined the NXTLog community, it was because of inspiration.  Seeing all of the incredible projects filled my mind with possibilities of what I could do.  Not just to admire and wish I had the pieces or the skills, but to use the ideas themselves as sources for my own constructions.
Therefore, inspiration was a major part of my robotics career even before I joined FIRST.  It is For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology – the ultimate goal of the program is to inspire participants, mentors, and others about engineering technology.  And today, I bring you a tribute…to teamwork, coopertition and inspiration in general.
Those of you who have been around for a while might recognize these two creatures…in August 2010, NXTLog released the Robotic Pet building challenge.  Dogs, cats and birds headed the popularity list when scanning the list of entries…but most eyes paused in surprise when gazing at the two projects you see above.  CheshireCat150 and NatoNX had a slightly different take on the challenge.
So what’s so significant about two competing entries into the same challenge?  What’s the point?  And what does this have to do with the “inspiration” I was talking about earlier?  Well, in life and in FIRST, it is impossible to improve unless you are willing to learn from your competition.  Who knows, your competition might even be on your alliance someday…
Xenon (CC150’s entry, top) and BlazingFire (my entry, bottom) were two very different entries into the same challenge.  Both came at the True Problem of building a dragon in a different way, and the different Specifications each builder generated is evident in the Detailed Design exemplified in each one.  Xenon breathed fire and walked reliably, while BlazingFire raised his arm in anticipation of getting a treat.  What would I get, I wondered, if I tried to combine the two into one, and left the result as a tribute to inspiration and teamwork…?
This is XenonFire.  A week-long project attempting to combine the best of both Xenon and BlazingFire into a single design that, while not superior to either design alone, is a symbol of inspiration across the realm of robotics and life in general. 

The legs and walking mechanism are core to any quadruped dragon, and an essential part of the three you see here.  They put the LEGO in Motion, allow them Rumble over anything in their way, and Ultimately, make the Ascent wherever they want to go.   BlazingFire, while possessing a meticulous leg design, lacked the reliable, quick walking speed featured by Xenon.  My goal was to integrate a similar leg design and CC150’s elliptical-based advancement mechanism into a single dragon.  Turning would be accomplished by a central pivot, and the legs would be mechanically linked as to stay in synchronization at all times without sensor feedback and software aid.  To do this, I used a double-differential setup featuring two motors that allowed full power of both motors to be applied to both the walking and steering mechanisms at different times.  Each of the motors are connected to one of the outputs of each differential, except that one motor’s output is reversed by means of a gear train before entering the second differential (the one on top of the robot.)  This way, the bottom differential turns when the motors rotate in the same direction.  This drives the center shaft that drives the legs.  The top differential rotates when the motors turn in the opposite direction.  This drives the center turntable that allows XenonFire to pivot and turn.

The neck and head are important features of any dragon, and provide key clues if the dragon is friendly…or just hungry!  XenonFire, while having a head too small to feature a fire-breathing mechanism that Xenon sported (trust me, I tried), does have a little red tongue.  Horns are similar to his predecessor BlazingFire.

Another feature I certainly wanted XenonFire to have was wings, and I believe you will see a very strong resemblance..!  The tail, while not specifically based off of BlazingFire, is also rather similar. 

XenonFire features a simple navigation program, utilizing the ultrasonic sensor on his stomach.  This Code allows the Orange creature to roam autonomously.  When he detects an object for more than 0.5 seconds, XenonFire stops, opens his mouth and roars, then backs away, turns, and proceeds on his wandering. 
Enjoy these other pictures of XenonFire I had some fun taking earlier today…
XenonFire is a tribute to that inspiration, to the collaboration that allows our world to function.  Special thanks to CC150 - for all the inspiration.