Monday, July 27, 2015

Garden Robot Update 11

Some images.  First of all, the current state of the GUI.

Chrome (Android):
Safari (IOS):

And the robot itself.  Currently missing the valve and associated water tubing...
The track, nothing more than a 2X4 with a nail in each end, propped up on books:

The robot and phone plugs can be seen from behind.  Currently, I am having it "check on" each plant (designated by the blue strips of tape) at 10 minute intervals.  I was running 1 minute intervals earlier today and haven't had a problem with this version of the's to hoping.

To do:
1.  Get tubing and water container together.
2.  Figure out how to get position data from the robot to the web-page (I spent hours this morning getting bluetooth messages from phone to NXT worked out, now I have to figure out how to do it in reverse)
3.  Get some soil and actually test this thing!!!