Friday, September 23, 2011

Amphibious Explorerbot

Remember this project?  It didn't have the exact outcome I was hoping for, but it still won the All Terrain Explorer in this challenge.  See the award page here.

This is the land mode.  It actually was pretty fast in this mode, riding on six small NXT 1.0 wheels.  However, on the one climbing test I ran, the gears jammed. 

Here is the water mode.  It folded down its wheel sets to float on the four large wheels, the six NXT 1.0 wheels and the four balls.  The two red flippers (one of which is underneath the flat red construction on the right, better seen in the above picture) propelled it very slowly through the water.  I did not test this, but I do not believe it to have been very stable in this mode - it tipped over when it had a stalk with the ultrasonic and compass sensors!

Also, this robot was not programmed to enter land from water or water from land.  It was my original intention, but I decided that it was too risky and complicated, and I lacked a good place to test it.  However, it still could transform itself between the two modes, I just had to place it in either terrain.


Well, I thought that I wouldn't have to be running the thing until much later.  However, one day (some time ago!) I figured out that I had only a few days to finish the machine (including programming)  Unfortunately, only 1/4th of the dispensers worked properly that night, and I'm going to have to work on it. At least I could use my PF remote to dispense the candy properly (and reset the dispenser)

Anyway.  Here's a picture of it without the dispensers but with the front plate in place.  Later, I added four dispensers facing inward to give out the candy.  The entire front was covered by a plastic plate my mom and I cut (which took some time)
I also changed the motor on top so that it stuck out the back instead.  I had attempted to add it on the inside, but there was too much backlash in the mechanisms.  It is shown in this second picture.

I don't have any pictures of the latest version, but I hope to add lights.